One topical discourse that has not given the media much reason to get busy is that of love(Filial Love). Often times, this subject is relegated as one of those conversations designed to be slaughtered only at religious houses and the likes.
The word of God says“ And now these three remain : faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love”( Ist Corinthians 13:13). This singular heaven’s rating of the subject submits how germane it is to God and mankind because God is love and love is God.
Any teaching about God that is not love based is viewed as being economical with the gospel truth. He initiated the first love odyssey by providing His beloved son; our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ( Jn 3:16) as a Sacrificial Lamb to reconcile man with Himself after the great fall. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (deep- seated love) placed Him side by side in Kingship with God. This divine coronation is the chief reason the angels, Christian faithful pour seasonless adoration on Him and celebrate Him as their role model.
The Almighty God demonstrated this award winning love as a billboard message to all and sundry to emulate while relating to one another. Loving on God without reciprocating it on fellow human is dwarf religious knowledge.Therefore, love your neighbour as Jesus loves you. Love of God and humanity are inseparable like siamese twins. Loving on God and humanity(Filial Love) launches one into an unprecedented marital ecstasy with Him that grants unlimited access into His bowels without galloping. Unforgiveness, hatred, envy, bitterness, jealousy, murder to mention but a few are viruses that punctures the marital balloon between Man and God.
This can be remedied via reconciliation(Repentance) since the apple(Humanity) does not fall far from the tree(Source-God). Filial love seeks to shatter the myth of orientation normally associated with the conventional misapplication of the subject. It seems to have burst the bubble of limiting engagement that confines many a religious faithful to their heavily walled fortresses and inner shells. The unabashed modesty that parents platonic love offers valuable lessons on what wantonness should be scorned and what values to court.
A soul that is in love with God upholds simplicity, embraces purity, lessons the self and diminishes unGodly desires. God’s love is fate’s hidden hands watered down to engender unity, peace and brotherliness among the human race. Love of God helps someone go through the motions of life with equanimity and grace.
It is a devastating surgical error to go into the operation of life without genuine love of God obtained via deep spiritual intercourse with Him. A soul without the love of God in him or her, is akin to an artist without his or her muse or a book without words. Some life issues are better with the magnanimity of the love of God than vengefulness. There is no gainsaying the love of God makes someone live a charmed life. We are swaddled in the joy of His love like a newborn cradling in his mother's warmth.
Sometimes happiness is not in any way connected to a mega lottery win or linked to the handsome rewards from one's daily labour but the unwavered love with God. There is this scently scent that wafts from any soul that is madly in love with God. Falling in love with God makes a soul go into excitement like a kid just experiencing a smartphone.
Studying His word gives one the scriptural locus standi(Faith) to navigate the furnace of life. Nothing lasts forever; as the seasons turn, so does human life wither to age, everything varnishes like morning dew except the love God has for His children.
Fate decides filial ties but every man/woman enjoys the rare privilege to choose his/her friends. Choosing Jesus Christ as your friend by making Him your personal Lord and Saviour is the smartest decision anyone can take.
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